Why is Self-Management Important for Kids?
Our children are growing up in a fast-changing and challenging world.
- New technologies require quicker and more creative responses.
- Increased population, crowded cities and competition for jobs place strains on family life and personal relationships.
- Bullying and put-downs are epidemic in schools and in our neighborhoods.
- Children are not taking care of themselves--going to sleep late, not getting proper nutrition, etc. (Where are the parents?)
- Students are not being trained to make wise decisions.
To meet these challenges, young people need to learn the skills to manage their lives responsibly.
How Can Children Learn to Manage
Their Lives Responsibly?
Here is our answer:
The Self-Management for Kids Program is a creative response to today's issues. Designed for students from Kindergarten to Grade 5, it helps young people gain good self-management skills to succeed in school and in daily life.
- Treating oneself and others with respect
- Making responsible choices
- Valuing each person’s uniqueness
- Understanding how the brain works
- Taking care of one’s body
- Using personal power in a positive way
- Managing personal feelings
- Communicating clearly
- Using self-discipline
- Solving problems
- Working with others successfully
The Impact of Our Programs
The schools that have used the Self-Management Program have significantly increased their academic test scores and have gained state and national recognition.